Moura Education is registered in Srilanka. We are been authorised and regulated by the appropriate regulatory bodies in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
Moura Education,
No 15,
Sangarapillai Road,
Sarojinidevi Jeyarajah
Registration number (Srilanka)- PV 00239432
Registered under the Companies Act No.7 of 2007
Moura Education provides an online learning platform which enables users to access a variety of contents (including, without limitation, video, audio, images, texts, or other formats) through Moura Education website. All contents provided on or accessed through Moura Education website are offered “as is”. All contents were created for educational purposes only.
Moura Education does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the contents provided by the authors on or accessed through Moura Education’s websites. Video contents, in particular, have been carefully prepared and presented by an author who is expert in the particular subject area. The author uses reasonable efforts to keep the respective contents accurate and up-to-date but neither Moura Education or the author guarantee accuracy or completeness. Moura Education and the authors shall not be liable for any errors or omissions or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.
Moura Education does not warrant that the contents provided on or accessed through Moura Education website are complete, true, non-misleading or up-to-date. Moura Education shall NOT be liable for any errors or delays in the contents, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.
Some of the content provided on or accessed through Moura Education website may contain names of particular product names. Moura Education does not recommend or endorse any specific products, healthcare providers, procedures, opinions, tests, or other information that may be mentioned on Moura Education website. Statements concerning the recommendation or endorsement as outlined above are provided as part of the content on Moura Education website and are based on the experiences of individuals or professionals. The user’s individual experiences may deviate from that. None of those statements necessarily reflect the opinions or views of Moura Education.
Moura Education will use reasonable efforts to provide access to it’s website at any time. However, Moura Education does not guarantee access to the site in case of viruses/software errors/other technical or natural catastrophes that cannot be repaired in spite of a reasonable effort. Scheduled maintenance and problems out of the control of Moura Education can cause the site to be temporarily unavailable. If necessary, Moura Education reserves the right to withdraw subscriptions and the complete site. If this ever becomes necessary, users will only pay for the time of their subscriptions that has elapsed.
The content provided on or accessed through Moura Education website can contain health- or medical-related material, including, without limitation, cadaver material, surgical footage, material showing nude humans, or sexually explicit disease states specially in the medical courses that we provide for medical licensing exams. Users who find this material offensive, disgusting, or disturbing may not want to use this website for the medical learning purposes. Accessing contents at Moura Education website is always taken at the user’s own risk.
There can bee external websites that are linked to the studying materials produced in our website. Herewith, we, Moura Education explicitly dissociate ourselves from all contents of pages on other websites to which links have been created from our sites, and we decline any responsibility for the content of these pages.
The information that is available on our website will be examined carefully and updated regularly. However no guarantee can be given for the information provided being up-to-date, correct or complete. This specifically applies to all links that refer to other websites directly and indirectly. We reserve all rights to complete, delete and/or change any data without previous announcement.
All brands, trademarks, product names and product specifications are unrestrictedly subject to the provisions of the respectively valid trademark legislation and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. All text and graphics of our website including copyright of the photos on our homepage belongs strictly to Moura Education.
Moura Education DOES NOT tolerate, permit, or engage in bribery, corruption, or improper payments of any kind in our business dealings, anywhere in the world, both with public and private sector.
We are committed to the following principles:
When you are first enrolling in our website, either as a lecturer or a student, we are required to verify your identity in various ways. We may need your assistance to satisfy these requirements. Without compliance with these obligations, we will not be able to provide you with our services.
Legislation in Srilanka and elsewhere may also place us under a legal obligation, in certain circumstances, to disclose confidential information we have about you and your affairs to law enforcement authorities. Our obligations are not optional and we cannot override or avoid them.
We will, of course, ensure that we only report information that we are obliged to report as a matter of law. We may not be able to inform you of the report we have made unless and until permitted to do so by the law enforcement authorities.
Moura Education opposes all forms of slavery and human trafficking, and is committed to taking steps to ensure that these do not occur in our business. We act ethically in all our business matters including our lecturers and students..
With respect to global recruitment and employment of our lecturers we have implemented a number of measures as part of our commitment to ensure there is no forced labour. We undertake background checks in relation to the new lecturers who are joining our company relevant to the jurisdiction that we are based on.
Moura Education is an accredited Living Wage Employer. This means that all of our employees, regardless of their socioeconomic status, receive at least a minimum hourly wage permitted in Srilanka. The Living Wage is an hourly rate set independently and updated annually and it is calculated according to the real costs of living.
Moura Education is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all employees, and to creating a workplace environment where all employees are treated with respect and dignity by their colleagues. It is against our policies and against the law to discriminate either directly or indirectly on the grounds of race, colour, religion, belief or political opinion, disability, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or sex or marital status at any stage of the recruitment process, or during the course of employment.
All requests for further information or any complaints about Moura Education (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed to mouraeducation@gmail.com