These questions are for self assessment and review of your theory knowledge and apply it into the questions. All questions are standard exam questions including multiple choice questions and single best answer questions. You can access the question papers before hand and start answering. Check your obstetrics and gynecology theory knowledge by answering the questions and when you are done, refer and learn from the integrated video discussions. We have arranged these mixed paper video discussions as a convenient tool for assessing and improving your obstetrics and gynecology knowledge.
Each question will have a corresponding answer/answers and with the video, a reference providing the background to the answer will be given. In which case, a short discussion of various issues raised by the questions and answers will be given to make you understand how to tackle these types of questions in the future. These questions are strictly for your practice, therefore even if you get the answer/answers correct, attention should be given to the explanation. Those who seek more information about the particular theory sections talked in the discussion lecture, can go through our obstetrics and gynecology theory course.
This course is important for:
PS- Once you purchase the full course, you will get 24/7 access during specific period. There’ll be live lecture sessions conducted in relation to this course and you’re most welcome to join and have a live experience on how the lectures are conducted, which will be for free of charge.
Dr. Jeyarajah Rajeevan (VOG) one of the greatest teachers I met in my life is conducting this course in a simple and extensive manner which made me understand the subject very well and helped me to got through my ERPM theory examination.
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