These are trial obstetrics and gynecology theory lecture videos which are been offered free of charge. These lectures give out the ideas about how the obstetrics and gynecology theory courses are conducted. We assure you, you’ll be amazed with the knowledge you’re about to receive. We are providing you with the new guidelines and updated lecture notes simultaneously with the lecture videos, to equalize the barrier between the paid courses and free courses. We want you to be successful, regardless of the limitations that might come over you! Start studying Obstetrics and Gynecology, absolutely for free and receive the necessary boost to overcome your hurdles.
This course is important for:
All the medical undergraduates
Anyone who’s studying for medical license exams all over the world as in ERPM, PLAB, USMLE, AMC and etc.
These videos are useful not just for medical students, they can be relevant during the housemanship rotations, sub-internships or as a refresher while rotating on various departments in early residency periods.
PS- Once you get enrolled in the full course, you will get a lifetime 24/7 access. There’ll be live lecture sessions conducted in relation to this course and you’re most welcome to join and have a live experience on how the lectures are conducted, which will be for free of charge.